After much experimentation, I figured out how to build a LISP image
(application) in ACL5. The problem is that the new image-building
machinery does not inherit anything from the running image. The solution
is to build a project that contains a single file that loads your system.
For example, here is the file I used:
(cl:in-package "CL-USER")
(load "t:\\dev5\\fsl\\base\\lportabl.fasl")
(let ((p:*module-defaults* '(#p"t:\\dev5\\fsl\\" #p"t:\\dev5\\src\\util\\")))
(p:require "scaffold/query.l")
(tquery :ipl-well)
(p:require "x-dm/impl")
(p:require "x-dm-sql/impl")
(p:require "x-ppdm/impl")
(p:require "x-uwi/impl")
(p:require "mdl-ipl-well/xmain")
Another wrinkle is that the initial function for the image must return a
window. The image will run until that window closes. We will
probably have to work around this behaviour. Maybe we can return NIL or a
closed window.
In the course of troubleshooting this process, I noticed that the query tool
was still using some of the compatibility classes in the ACLWIN302
package. We should delete this package when developing.