We ran into a problem with the way SQL Server handles invalid
dates. If you attempt to execute a query with a date that is
outside the SQL Server accept range, you get the message:
Only dates between January 1, 1753 and December
31, 9999 are accepted.
Furthermore, the server logs show messages like:
2004-08-12 15:56:47.77 spid51 Error: 17805,
Severity: 20, State: 3
2004-08-12 15:56:47.77 spid51 Invalid buffer received from client.
Any finally, the server feels that the error is severe enough
that it terminates the connection. This is clearly a
bug. It is discussed in the Microsoft knowledge base article:
Notwithstanding the reference of the Microsoft JDBC driver in
the article, this behaviour also occurs when using jTDS. The
only solution at this time is make sure that you don't send dates
outside the mandated date range to the server.
This bug is particularly nasty when connection pooling is
being used. Pooled connections are rendered broken after this
error occurs. It is important to use some sort of dead
connection testing