... until the collector arrives ...

This "blog" is really just a scratchpad of mine. There is not much of general interest here. Most of the content is scribbled down "live" as I discover things I want to remember. I rarely go back to correct mistakes in older entries. You have been warned :)


Visual Studio

The way Visual Studio 2003 handles web projects still sucks.  As I noted before, there is a way to work around most of the problems discussed at:

ASP.NET Applications without Web Projects

In the end, however, these were the steps I followed to get things to work in my project:

  1. Create a deploy directory to hold your assembled web application.  Add this directory to your web server instead of the default build outputs directory.
  2. Create a post-build script to copy the build outputs to the deploy directory, as well as other critical files like the *.aspx, Global.asax, Web.config, etc.  Note that the DLLs for the application must be contained in a directory tree rooted in a directory called bin.  A sample post-build script might look like:
    del/s/q $(ProjectDir)deploy
    xcopy/y/f $(ProjectDir)Web.config $(ProjectDir)deploy
    xcopy/y/f $(ProjectDir)Global.asax $(ProjectDir)deploy
    xcopy/y/f $(ProjectDir)*.aspx $(ProjectDir)deploy
    xcopy/y/f $(TargetDir)*.dll $(ProjectDir)deploy\bin
  3. Make sure you have a Web.config file and that the attribute /configuration/compilation/@debug is true.
  4. Edit the project's configuration properties so that:
    1. Debugging\Enable ASP.NET Debugging is true
    2. Debugging\Debug Mode is URL
    3. Debugging\Start URL is the URL of your page

Also, as a one-time operation on any given Visual Studio installation, I followed the steps on the web site referenced above to get make all of the web items available on the "new item" palette.  Specifically, I added the following lines to the of the file VC#\CSharpProjectItems\LocalProjectItems\localprojectitems.vsdir in the VS installation directory:


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